Sunday, March 18


Poor doggie got bit or pierced by something in his genitals. And there're now two puncture wounds, a black sore and blood and pus oozing out. I can only imagine the pain.

He is not his inquisitive hyperactive self today, because he is all drugged out from painkillers and disoriented by the plastic cone he has to wear.

He's so embarrassed by how unfashionable it is that he doesn't want to step out of the house. He can't go down the stairs without help as the cone keeps getting stuck on the grooves on the steps. Doggie treats and meowing kitties don't excite him one bit.

And he is so depressed that he just stands in the middle of the room with his head drooping for long minutes. He doesn't follow me as I go about doing my laundry. He doesn't want to sniff my lunch. He isn't interested in jumping onto the bed anymore.

My doggie is sad.


ginnie & alfie said...

Oh no! poor doggie! Nevermind, he'll get better soon and no matter how much he begs, do not remove the cone! the cone very important for speedy recovery!

Zann said...

Doggie is testing the limits of my sympathy for him by worming into bed while I'm sleeping. It's a rude awakening, getting jabbed by a cone in the ribs in the middle of the night.

I've shot pix of his kukujiao, to track his healing process. I'm not an animal pornographer ok! Should I post the pix? Muahahahahahahhahaha
