Saturday, December 5


For way too many years, I'd put off going to the dentist. Just one of those things I never got round to doing, but now it's done. And my teeth are "pretty good", according to the dentist, so I guess not visiting didn't do any harm.

Next visit should be in 2014, give or take a couple of years.

[For those interested, toothbrushes belong to sis (bear), mum (panda), dad (frog) and me (dog, butofcos).]


orangeclouds said...

those are some cute toothbrushes :) am also horribly guilty of neglecting my dentist.

have posted some KL recommendations - but if there's anything in particular you gals want to eat, lemme know and I'll ask HM where to go :)

Priscilla Tan said...

SOooo adorable! Is it the le-long uncle selling it at $1 dollar??!! Ha..always wanted to buy it:) and your muffins look way too yummy!!