Sunday, January 7

the time is 11:11

At the peak of my SMS fever, whenever I had to fight the urge to send a text, I would look at the digital clock on my mobile phone to help me decide. If it were 12:34, 3:33, 5:55, 3:45, or some nice number, then I'd think, well, the time is right and I'd give in and text him.

A couple of days ago, I was talking to the elf from the shop next door, who happened to be wearing a really cool jacket she had designed herself. It had 11 sleeves, all functional.

Turns out that she kept seeing 11 when she was designing her collection, like the time, the receipt numbers, etc. And she would keep waking up at 11:11.

So she went to look on-line, and found that there was actually a 11:11 phenomenon. I was a bit creeped out, because I recall seeing 11:11 before too, and more crucially, using the numbers to guide my decisions.

And then this morning, as I was lying half comatose in bed, waiting for the maid to finish cleaning, I glanced at my mobile phone for no reason. And it was exactly 11:11.

Then, I had to turn my mircowave oven off -- every single of one of the China maids who came are afraid of putting their hands inside to clean it if it were turned on -- and when I turned it back on, the time that flashed wasn't 00:00 as you would suppose. It was 1:01 instead.

This is what this website says:

How often have you noticed the numbers 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, 22:22, 12:34, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55 popping up all over the place? These number sequences are not necessarily only time prompts. They can also be number sequences, like 333, 1111 etc. To your mind, is this a coincidence, or are they too frequent to be random? Perhaps you are puzzled or amused by this phenomenon? Possibly even a little bit nervous? The question everyone is asking is "What does 11:11 mean?" and "Is there a reason for this?" And there certainly is.

Millions of folks all around the world are now seeing these amazing 11:11 prompts. They are folks of all colours, all religions, all beliefs. It's spreading, and becoming far more common; it's become a major phenomenon. Someone or something is causing all these folks to look at clocks, number plates, phone numbers or any source of numbers even when they make no effort themselves to look for these things. You can even change your clocks in the house, and you will still be prompted, at the "wrong" time. You can't stop it, because YOU aren't doing it. Sometimes you will even see these numbers flashing after a power outage, even though digital clocks are supposed to reset to 12:00, not 11:11 or 12:12!

These 11:11 Wake-Up Calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the "trademark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels. Once they have your attention, they will use other digits, like 12:34, or 2:22 to remind you of their presence. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real.

I'm not sure if there is an actual phenomenon or just a case of seeing what you want to see or even just coincidence. I mean, I looked at my computer time just now and it was 9:26, and it sure as hell doesn't mean anything.

More importantly, I didn't feel any otherworldly force beckoning me to text anyone, even when the time was 11:11.

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