Thursday, January 15

In this job, I've had to look high and low for the following:
-- very tall men and very short men who are high-fliers [Difficulty level: 7. No one wanted to talk about how their height helped/hindered their careers.]
-- date-rape victims and potential rapists [Difficulty level: 6.5. No one wanted to use their real names.]
-- women who get drunk almost every night [Difficulty level: 5. Surprisingly not that difficult, many drunkards around.]

But my latest last-minute assignment takes the cake. I have at most three days to find three virgin couples. And they must be willing to have their pictures plastered in the national papers. I may have better luck photographing a dodo.

But if by any chance you do know of any such rare species, please please pretty please contact me. Can you sense my mounting desperation?

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