Thursday, July 9

an apple a day

Ever since I got my shiny new iPod Touch a couple of weeks ago, I've been obsessed with finding the Holy Grail -- a clear, super slim, tactile, non-plasticky cover which can protect the chrome back but not hide it, does not show up fingerprints, can provide some protection when (not if) I drop it and -- this is very important -- does not sport some fugly logo. As far as I can tell, this object does not exist.

In a fit of desperation, I bought a translucent condom-like cover, which I hate to the core, and one of those sticker films which does nothing to prevent fingerprints all over the screen and bubbles up on the corners. Needless to say, it drives me nuts.

In the course of my fruitless trawling of Amazon, eBay and even Taobao, I found some ingenious "Apple" products. (All made in China, butofcos, and less than S$200 each.)

The iPod Phone

The mini iPhone

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