Monday, November 2

origami on my mind

Yes, I'm back from the land of origami (and ramen and shinkansen and warmed toilet seats). Bet some of you didn't even notice my absence, but it's okay, you're forgiven, because revenge is mine. I am on the verge of inflicting 84,525,463 photos of autumn leaves on you.

While the film is still being "washed" (as my family would say), here are some adorable origami ideas. (Oh, I bought a book on origami birds on the whirlwind trip. Clearly illustrated step-by-step instructions and perfect squares of coloured paper, that's all I want from life, really.)

If you look carefully, you will realise that the bird in the glass is not a real folded crane. Cheaterbugger. And notice the little square piece of paper with faint dotted lines? Packaging designer Nathalia Ponomareva has obviously been reading this humble blog. Ha!

I'm sorry I can't find the source of this marvellous pillow to link to, but I'm sure it must be Etsy. And I'm about to utter my most famous line: "I also can make!"

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