Friday, November 19

b.o. a.k.a. laughing gas

Posting this conversation between my twin and I (at around 5pm last Friday) will probably lower my already dismal karma points, but here it is anyway.

Twin: I can't believe I've eaten both my lunch and dinner already. I got nothing to eat next!
Me: Dinner?!?
Twin: The curry rice was dinner. I ate lunch before kickboxing, remember!
Me: Curry rice is tea!
Twin: I want you to be my fitness instructor! That day, before our self-defence class, I was early, and I heard some ditzy girls asking the instructor how to diet.
Me: Oh, apparently he is a personal fitness instructor too.
Twin: And he went on and on about not eating rice after 7pm etc etc. I hate to hear things like that.
Twin: So this guy does anything related to fitness!
Me: Apparently, super duper hardcore people employ him.
Twin: Wah. Well, he is super duper hard core! His warm-up is not even a warm-up, it's the actual exercise already!
Me: I think he is also a freelance photographer!
Twin: Wot!
Me: Once, he sent me an e-mail, but he forgot to change the signature.
Twin: Wahahahahahahahah wah lau! Skarly he also freelance writer.
Twin: Freelance eyebrow plucker.
Twin: Freelance model agent.
Me: Freelance skipping rope salesman.
Twin: Or basically, you got any job and you ask him, he'll do it.

Me: Can we ask him to shower?
Me: And use Rexona?
Twin: Once, I saw him spraying Lynx on himself when he thought no one was looking.
Me: Wah! You are his stalker!
Twin: Ahahahahahahahahahahaha you were there too! But you probably didn't see!
Me: For some reason, I find the surreptitious Lynx-spraying very hilarious.
Twin: We were outside the studio and he was inside and he thought he was alone, but I saw his reflection through the mirror.
Me: I'm convulsed with laughter now.
Twin: Yes! He even checked around to see if anyone was looking! But he forgot about the mirror!
Me: Tears are coming out now.
Twin: Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Me: You even saw it was Lynx!
Me: I'm laughing all over again.
Twin: Wahahahahaahahaha yes! He must have obviously given up on the Lynx subsequently.
Me: Stoppit. I'm dying here.
Twin: Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Twin: He really should have layered it on a bit more especially for the rape lesson.
Twin: Wahahahahaahahahahahha
Me: Who knew B.O. could be this funny?
Twin: Wahahahahahahahahahahhahhah
Me: You just have to say the word "lynx" and I will burst into tears.
Twin: I went to the zoo and saw a LYNX cat.
Me: Was it nice smelling?
Twin: Wahahahahahahahahahahah

Please, tell me I'm not the only one reduced to tears by Lynx (I'm weeping now as I type this).

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