Tuesday, April 20

The first anniversary of this blog is coming up soon. Unbelievable how much rubbish I can write about and how self-indulgent I can get. I don't even dare to read back some of my initial entries. So blardee precocious and whiny at times...or should I say, all the time?

Anyway, one of my goals for June is to re-learn DreamWeaver, which I never managed to master last year. Hopefully that skill can be put to good use to redesigning this site.

At the same time, I'm still trying to get the hang of doing page layout at work [take note of the What's On, TV highlights and comics pages, they are likely to be done by me] and learning to make skirts and camisoles on my off days [just completed my second skirt today, a lovely sky blue flare skirt].

Feel like my brain is being overloaded these past few weeks, but in a good way.

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