Tuesday, May 25

hair today, gone tomorrow

While lunching on Saturday on penne vongole -- after applying to become a maid, but more on that at a later date -- I was given two ho-hum reasons to cut my hair short. One, it was cooler. And two, it would make me look fresher. Not particularly compelling reasons. Yet, suddenly later that same day, I was struck by the urge to just snip it all off.

So today, I did it.

"Are you sure? I'm going to cut. This is quite drastic," the hairdresser warned me. Two hours later, I emerged with what looked like bed hair and a satisfied look on my face. For the first time in three years, I actually felt the sun burning into my neck as I strode out for lunch.

Responses so far have ranged from no comment at all, to gasps of shock, "why???" and "I prefer girls with long hair", to compliments that I look "so purdy" and that I should now form a band cos I look like Joan Jett. Or was the last one a compliment at all?

But the best one had to be from my sissy, who pointed out that I now resemble this adorable paperdoll I love, which was also used for the Zouk flea market poster. Will post a photo if I take one, but in the meantime, scroll down to look at the poster.

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