Wednesday, November 22

call me god

The endlessly entertaining Poison Ivy has come up with a completely unscientific personality test: If you could live your life over, and were given a choice on what kind of person you could be, what would you choose?
  1. Being a millionaire with the ugliest face that even a mother wouldn't be able to love
  2. Being a great beauty who is destined to live and die alone
  3. Being with the love of your life, but afflicted with a chronic illness, which may or may not be diabetes and may or may not involve your leg being amputated
  4. Being a genius inside an obese body
  5. Being a workhorse who is blessed with good luck in little things, such as always being able to find a parking lot
  6. Being well-loved by countless friends but living in a two-room HDB flat for life
  7. Being powerful and influential, but short as a midget, not unlike Deng Xiaoping
What you choose reveals what you value. Most of the lunch kakis didn't mind being ugly millionaires. Me? I'm willing to live with one leg for love.


Anonymous said...

you know, today, someone was telling me how her diabetic mother's leg was almost amputated last year. in the end, the doc took just her toe.

i think it's god's way of telling me something. maybe god is saying i should stop laughing at dbs so much and repent, or i'll lose a leg or toe.

or maybe my chair.


Zann said...

You don't have a desirable chair, so it's safe.


Manic Mummy said...

I want to be the well-loved-by-friends-but-two-room-flat person.