Tuesday, March 30

twenty ten

It's almost April, which means I have had this blog post brewing at the back of my mind for three months. Procrastination rawks (or maybe nawt).

So instead of a laundry list of things to accomplish this year (cf. 34 Things To Do Before 35), I've decided to keep it simple for 2010:

Read 20 books: Am already past the mid point, but reading more will not hurt, right? I'm on the lookout for new authors to read, please leave suggestions of your favourite books.
Cook 10 meals: Made pancakes based on the IHOP recipe, but I still can't stop thinking about the real thing.

Perform 20 random acts of kindness: Work in progress.
Meet up with 10 old friends: Soon, soon! We've been meaning to meet up for months, I know.

Buy 20 items of clothing: Everyone gives me disbelieving stares when I tell them that, even when I clarify that bags, shoes and accessories do not qualify as clothes. Loot so far: two skirts, one pair of culottes and one romper. (Shopping haul from New York and Tokyo at the beginning of this year does not count. Why? Because I said so.)
Make 10 crafty things: So far, I have made some pom pom flowers. Oh, and arranged some instant photos on the wall above my bed into a shape that is either a heart or a lady part, depending on how dirty your mind is.


crummb said...

lady part? i don't see it. gosh, i am squeaky clean!

Rory Daniel said...

I am sure you have already read it, but everyone should read "The Secret History" at least once before they turn 35, before 26 would be even better!! I also got a huge kick out of reading "An Instance of the Fingerpost", by Ian Pears. It's not everyone's idea of a beach novel, but it was captivating.

Rory said...

Oops, in case you didn't know....Donna Tartt is the author of A Secret History.

Zann said...

thanks, rory! i've added them to my list!