Zouk Out was a whole lot of bikini tops [not ours though, cos we're no longer 18], bare chested boys [as well as tubby ang mohs] and hot sandy dancing to Jazzy Jeff. And some drinks, butofcos.
Three champagne, two Sex on the Beach, two Apple Shooters -- That's not a lot, right? So why, then, do we look so sloshed?
I swear M said this to me as we got happier and happier: "If I see Sly now, I would KEYS him."
But she claims this is how the [drunken] conversation went:
Me: I think I'd KEYS Sly on the cheek if I see him now. You on one side, me on the other.
Her: It must be on the lips!
Alcohol-induced amnesia strikes every time.
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