Sunday, April 3

seeking oblivion

I made my lurves join me in getting drunk -- to the brink of happiness but not the point of puking, we all agreed beforhand -- but we were all still lucid at the end of the night.

Did not even come close to the Worst Time I Ever Saw You Drunk moments we had been through together, which include:

-- Brushing your teeth naked and having a boy and his girlfriend walk in on you.
-- Accidentally making out with a friend you have no business kissing at the end of a bar.
-- Lunging at your man at a traffic junction and being spotted by your friends in the next car.
-- Sitting on the sidewalk, cradling a tilam on your knees to rest your throbbing head.
-- Too many to catalogue during our infamous Slut Party.

I might have been tipsy, wobbly and giggly last night, but no matter how much I drank and how much I wanted it, oblivion just did not sink in.

I still remember everything I wanted to forget.


Anonymous said...

next time we'll get you a flaming lamborghini. you won't even remember your own name =)

Zann said...

I dowan! I scared of flaming lamborghini, not cos it is potent, but cos I scared it will singe my eyebrows! I dowan!
