Sunday, April 17

tupperware party

I have today acquired two cardboard boxes filled with retro Tupperware, which is roughly half of my mom’s stash from her days as a Tupperware party hostess.

Most of those air-tight containers -- water bottles, jelly molds, salad bowls, cups and more in deep brown, vivid yellow, olive green, carrot orange -- have never even been used.

Even though I’m delighted to inherit these brand-new 20-year-old heirlooms, I’m even more delighted that my mom has come round to the idea that I am, indeed, moving out.

1 comment:

orangeclouds said...


On both :) Love the sound of the tupperwares. Decorating a home is fun, if stressful too.

What's your "look"?

My home is almost complete... just needs one or two more pictures and cushions. The "look", I guess, is dark wood-minimalism with a dash of colour and Life-Shop-style mod orientalia.