Monday, September 12

love me tendon

Doc just gave me another three weeks of medical leave, not entirely unexpected cos the giant crater on my foot is still not fully healed. Worse still, the exposed tendon seems to have affected my fourth toe, which now can't move!

I spend a lot of time staring at my limp toe and wriggling the other toes, but it doesn't respond much. Have been referred to orthopedics to sort it out.

On the bright side, the meds are working like magic and there is little pain. I can even reduce the dosage so, hopefully, the pukey feeling I'm constantly fighting will subside.

I've also mastered the fine at of balancing on my left foot, which has almost entirely recovered. I can even shower standing on one foot.

In fact, I'm just like a pink flamingo, which, incidentally, is my current object of desire.


Manic Mummy said...

my love, do you have a droopy toe? Anyway, glad to hear the meds are working. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, so glad to see a new entry in your blog... Do get well soon... Take care and hope that your fourth toe recovers soon...
