Monday, October 10

days of my life

I spend my time reading...

And more reading...



And of course, admiring my feet.


orangeclouds said...

Hey your feet look better! And reading is good... what's the best book you've read recently?

You've caught the knitting bug too, just like SF, heh.

Manic Mummy said...

Is that someone's full head of hair you're knitting, Suzanne? Heh. I want one...

ginnie & alfie said...

Porrhhhh! (er.. that's the sound of a buzzer..) No cheating! You didn't finish "On The Road" so technically it shouldn't be in the basket! hehe.. Alright alright you can put it half in.. since you read half way..

Zann said...

So far, I dunno which book was the best -- some did not live up to expectations, some were entertaining but instantly forgettable -- but my fave is a children's book, Across the Nightingale Floor.

I read the first book while in London, and waited till now to read the other two books in the trilogy. But I won't recommend reading it, cos:
(a) it's a fantasy set in Japan, complete with ninjas and such;
(b) the ending is a let down;
(c) it takes too much time to read all three books, thus only recommended for bedridden folks;
(d) and, erm, it's meant for kids.

As for the meandering On The Road, I swear I will make it to the end (of the road, hardy har har) before my MC runs out.