Wednesday, November 30

in the still of the night

My stomach is still empty. And my eyes are still wide open.

can't eat, can't sleep

It's midnight and my stomach is growling because all I had for dinner was butter cookies, bak kwa and a Chinese pear. Yet, I have no appetite.

It's midnight and I'd spent a most trying 10 hours at work. Yet, sleep is so elusive.

Monday, November 28

mirror mirror

A press release found its way to my desk this morning. It had my name printed neatly on it, followed by "Beauty of ST Life!"

I'd like to believe it referred my extraordinary good looks, and not to the cosmetics/fashion section I wrote for.

Friday, November 25

looking a lot like Christmas

Signs that the season for fa-la-la-la-la is here:

-- I walk into Marks & Sparks at Wheelock Place and am transported back to London three years ago, when I stocked up on my fave tea cakes and choc-covered biscuits for the holidays.
-- I feel the urge to buy fresh fir trees, poinsettas, turkeys too large to fit into ovens and other goodies at Ikea.
-- I get a Spinelli's cookie in the shape of a Christmas tree.
-- I hum along to my seasonal fave, Last Christmas, in Cold Storage's frozen section.

Exactly one more month to go...

Thursday, November 24

cake whore

There was a Lana cake at my birthday but I was too drunk to eat it. I do remember blowing out the candles though.

There was another Lana cake at my lurve's birthday but I was too stuffed to eat it. I do remember her blowing out the candles though.

Finally, there was a Lana cake at Swirl's first open house. And I finally got to eat it -- two large corners, in fact.

Thanks, my lurve, for the cake!

Sunday, November 20

cat nap

Cat-sitting Memphis while my housemate is away. Apparently my boobs are the most comfortable place, cos while I was napping before going to the beach, she decided to rest too. And she works better than Truimph's Maximiser too.

Saturday, November 19

superglue to the rescue

While trying to clear the dish rack, my housemate's dish -- a really pretty Japanese one -- fell off and broke neatly into half.

I apologised profusely.

Half hour later, while trying to put a fly swatter onto the top of the fridge, I caused her ceramic figurine -- a really cute hula girl, her only souvenir from Hawaii -- to topple.

I apologised profusely. Again.

I will be using melamine crockery for the rest of the day.

Friday, November 18

i had a dream

I had a nightmare, more like it...

One of my eds, the extremely scary one, wrote an intensely personal column, 100 Things I Should Be Thankful For.

On that laundry list, one item stood out: "That my husband loves my tongue".

So traumatised, especially since she was not married, that when I woke up that I had to Google dream interpretations. The results traumatised me even more.

Apparently, the tongue signifies pleasure and also future professional success. Does that mean I think that she will be having both pleasure and success? Or that I will?


Thursday, November 17

two-line head here

My twin wrote a headline for a story on the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, but my boss wrote the word "obscure" next to it and scribbled a new headline instead.

So the new headline became: "Obscure SCO music director reappointed".

Reminds me of the man who sent flowers to his wife after a quarrel, but the florist left out a full-stop. So the card read: "I'm sorry I love you."

Wednesday, November 16

rainy days and mondays

My Korean flatmate in London used to tell me that the best time to have cold noodles was -- contrary to conventional thinking -- when it was cold.

It was wet and rainy when I left work. I had been craving for zhajiangmian but the thought of trudging back from Crystal Jade in the rain made me hop onto a cab to head straight home.

I started boiling water for my cha soba and chopping carrots and scavenging for whatever other ingredients I happened to have in my pantry.

The clean taste of cha soba, the rich creaminess of century egg yolk, the crunchy flavour of carrots, the crispy seaweed bits, the cold-enough-to-hurt-your-teeth noodles, the gelatinous century egg "white", all mixed together to form the almost perfect meal.

I say almost perfect, because it would have been lovely to wash it down with Choya.

Tuesday, November 15

lame jokes

Single male friend to me: "You are no longer footloose and fancy. Your baikar has affected your social mobility."

Me to myself while trying freebie makeup: "Mascara which isn't water-proof. What's the point?"

Me to myself while supermarket shopping: "Instant noodles without MSG. Again, what's the point?"

Groan-inducing caption on Taiwanese trio FIR: "FIR three made is feel like Christmas for their fans."

My own lousy headline suggestion for story on singer called Kaira Gong: "This Gong is a belle"

lame jokes

Single male friend to me: "You are no longer footloose and fancy. Your baikar has affected your social mobility."

Me to myself while trying freebie makeup: "Mascara which isn't water-proof. What's the point?"

Me to myself while supermarket shopping: "Instant noodles without MSG. Again, what's the point?"

Groan-inducing caption on Taiwanese trio FIR: "FIR three made it feel like Christmas for their fans."

My own lousy headline suggestion for story on singer called Kaira Gong: "This Gong is a belle"

Monday, November 14

ring ring

On the packaging of my Mobile Fones biscuits, it reads: "gr8 fone shapd bizkits w choc 4 u 2 njoy".

Monday, November 7

word play

Came across a made-up word in the course of work: PIFFED.

Methinks it's the evil love child of PISSED and MIFFED. And distant cousins of SPIFFY [very good word to describe gay men] and SQUIFFY [which always crops up when I've had champagne and feeling, well, squiffy].

But hot lingo of the week has to be MUFFIN TOP, which so graphically describes the blubber that bulges out everytime I pull on my now-too-tight jeans and attempt to sit down.

Saturday, November 5

writer's blog

Pardon me, but I can't seem to post anything longer than a couple of sentences.

All I can do for my loyal readers is point them to some other blogs:

-- God's blog
-- Rockson's blog
-- Julie/Julia's blog

Thursday, November 3