Tuesday, November 15

lame jokes

Single male friend to me: "You are no longer footloose and fancy. Your baikar has affected your social mobility."

Me to myself while trying freebie makeup: "Mascara which isn't water-proof. What's the point?"

Me to myself while supermarket shopping: "Instant noodles without MSG. Again, what's the point?"

Groan-inducing caption on Taiwanese trio FIR: "FIR three made it feel like Christmas for their fans."

My own lousy headline suggestion for story on singer called Kaira Gong: "This Gong is a belle"


ginnie & alfie said...

hmm.. i must say the jokes do sound better the second time around.. if you can't reuse old jokes, what's the point?

Zann said...

Blogger lurves my jokes so much, it's posting them repeatedly!

ginnie & alfie said...

hmm.. i must say the jokes do sound better the second time around.. if you can't reuse old jokes, what's the point?