Tuesday, April 4


For weeks, the phrase had been on the tip of my tongue, but I just couldn't spit it out. It lingered and tingled and bugged me like the beginnings of a bad sore throat, until suddenly, with a harrumph, I got the phlegm out.

The phrase I was looking for was "instant gratification". And that sums up me, with my lack of foresight and planning, my haphazard bumbling through life, my severe inability to see further than three months max down the road, my shortsightedness about money, my recklessness about love, my addiction to the instantaneous replies of SMS, my love of instant noodles and microwavable food.

I feel slightly better, having having purged the phlegm, even though it doesn't change a thing. I still want it all and I want it now, consequences be damned.

1 comment:

Zann said...

testing four five six