Thursday, May 29

Poverty-stricken student that I am, I have resorted to becoming a guinea pig for the countless psychology experiments taking place in college. Just earned five quid [that's S$15] yesterday from giving comments after touring a virtual reality garden for five minutes.

I've also sold my recent memories to another psych student, who is doing an experiment about recollection of emotions and events or something touchy-feely like that. She tried to make me cry by asking me about leaving Singapore -- "And how did saying goodbye make you feeeeel?" -- but it didn't work. Another easy tenner. And then there was this dead boring colour-matching test, which nearly put me to sleep. I think I missed half the questions when my eyes glazed over, but still managed to make some money.

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to abstain from cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, mobile phones, bathing and sex -- just kidding! -- for two hours before doing yet another experiment. This one sounds very fun, actually. It's a test of how anxious and fearful you are. I hope there are no butterflies involved though.

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