Sunday, May 11

best potato salad in the world

Photo of dish and dog courtesy of Mai Minshan

I'm sure you are familiar by now with my hyperbolic tendencies -- Ikea has the bestest chicken wings! My doggie is the cutest dog in the world! -- but trust me, this is the yummiest potato salad you will ever taste.

I first cobbled together the ingredients for my Lazy Labour Day party and on the spur of the moment, decided to roast the potatoes with the skin on instead of tediously peeling them and then boiling. Lazy lah.

The dish was such a hit that I didn't even get a chance to take a photo of it before it was all gone. Luckily, Ms Mai has replicated it, to rousing success.

Here's the recipe (before I forget how I threw it together):

Roasted potatoes with wasabi mayonnaise
Serves five greedy people

1 bag of washed potatoes from Cold Storage, cut into quarters
20 cloves of garlic, minced
A good glug of olive oil

Dressing (taste as you go along to gauge the explosion level):
A lot of Kewpie mayonnaise, and I mean a lot, like half a small bowl
Wasabi, agar agar 1 large spoonful
Splash of light soya sauce

Toppings (optional):
Chopped spring onions
Japanese seven spices (not sure what it's called)

Mix the above ingredients together in a big bowl. Place in a single layer (I had to do it in two batches) in oven toaster for 30 minutes, stirring the taters and rotating the tray mid-way through.

While potatoes are baking, mix the dressing ingredients well in a small bowl.

When the oven goes "ding!", take potatoes out and place in a large bowl to cool slightly before mixing the dressing thoroughly.

Top with the, erm, toppings and dig in.

(If you do make it, do take pix and send to me.)


peanut butter wolf said...

Look at the yearning on doggy's face!

Anonymous said...

yes, the potato salad is THAT good! :)
