Wednesday, March 18


"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen

The light got in, when, in my eagerness to send the roll for developing, I absentmindedly flipped open the back of the camera before rewinding the film. It took two full seconds before it dawned on me what calamity had befallen my entire roll of film -- four days' worth of Hong Kong photos -- and I snapped it shut while simultaneously cussing. The last few frames were fatally ruined, but as you probably already know from a few posts down, the Hong Kong photos survived my idiocy.

I like how the last frame, barely salvaged, with its lack of focus and over-exposed side, is of my saccharine-sweet-yet-edgy-or-so-I'd-like-to-kid-myself pink Converse.

Perfection is over-rated. Let there be cracks.

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