Monday, June 20

barbie girl

Almost all the painting is done at my new place. Almost all of it is pink. No wonder my neighbour has dubbed it "Barbie's doll house".

I can't wait for the bed to finally be there so I can sleep over. And then we can start having housewarming parties.

Come on, Barbie, let's go party...oh oh oh yeah...


ginnie & alfie said...

eh.. show pictures leh! otherwise how we know what you say is true? it could be purple for all we know! or cheena red with terrazo floor... hehe.. - alfie

orangeclouds said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Your own personalised pad, finally.

And yeah, ol' England nostalgia hits me every now and then too. The last time was in KL last week, where they had a Debenhams. Was also browsing through Nigella n Jamie O cookbooks and recalling the Sainsbury's supermarket at New Cross. Sigh.

Zann said...

Was pushing my cart through the cramped aisles of my new hunting ground, the Holland V Cold Storage, when I recalled the wondrously huge Sainsbury's at New Cross, where trolleys could make U-turns instead of having to gostun.

Well, at least this new supermarket is 24 hours. Midnight grocery shopping, anyone?

Zann said...

Photos akan datang...

Barbie still busy unpacking her 7 crates of books, 12 boxes of magazines, 10 cartons of photos, 12 suitcases of clothes, etc etc...