Thursday, December 1

running on empty sentences

I want to post something thoughtful, because I have been full of thoughts lately, so full in fact that I can't quite put them into words, they just swirl [notice the blatant product placement here?] around my mind, stream of consciousness style, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, hysterical, quiet, agitated, surreal, real, unreal, unsettling, never very coherent or particularly intelligent, I want something I can't have, but I don't know what it is, yet if I stretched out, my fingertips might just touch it, whatever it may be, or it may disappear into the ether, or it may move another tantalising 0p1 out of my reach, I feel the urge to say something, anything, but I say nothing, somethings are better left unsaid, kept deep within my heart, others are so shallow and stupid there is just no point putting them down, while on my imaginary third hand, there are nebulous wishes which, once articulated, will never live up the actual words I pick.

So I shall just say, I'm still hungry and unable to sleep.

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