Wednesday, January 25

my favourite things

I've been tagged by Oclouds, so here goes. Woohoo...

Four jobs you've had in your life
1. private tutor who put students to sleep
2. salesgirl at Stockmart (remember?) who lasted one day
3. exhibitionist (hahahha, not that sort lah, the World Trade Centre Expo sort)
4. intern (various publications, with varying success)

Four movies you could watch over and over again (not to be confused with favourite movies)
1. When Harry Met Sally
2. While You Were Sleeping
3. 10 Things I Hate About You
4. Mannequin

Four TV shows you love(d) to watch
1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2. Doraemon
3. Sex And The City
4. Any Nigella cooking show

Four places you've lived
1. Singapore
2. London
3. Holland [Village, haha]
4. NTU, Hall 11 [does this qualify? It's a world unto itself!]

Four places you've been on vacation to
1. New York
2. Kyoto/Tokyo
3. Barcelona/Sevilla
4. Venice/Florence
[Haven't been vacationing much lately, but I've taken out the less "exotic" ones like Bangkok, Batam and Phuket.]

Four places you would rather be
1. Mandalay
2. on the Trans-Siberian railway
3. some Greek island
4. in bed with another warm body next to mine

Four of your favourite foods
1. BBQ sotong
2. Mum's chicken soup
3. Any pasta, but especially carbonara
4. Sharksfin soup

Four websites you visit daily

I lurve such surveys! Those who lurve them too, please take part too in the comments section!

1 comment:

orangeclouds said...

Ooh 10 Things I Hate About You! I liked that too. Looking forward to seeing Heath show his serious actor chops in Brokeback Mountain.