Monday, January 17

nebulous night things

Two nights ago, I was woken up in the middle of the night by a tuneless whistling which seemed to be coming from outside my window. I wasn't particularly frightened, though I thought of SMS-ing my sis to wake her up and make her listen to it too. You know, just to make sure I wasn't hearing things, like last week, when there were bells ringing from upstairs, but no one else heard it.

Last night, I was once again woken up by someone covering my blanket over me. Even in my drowsy state, I was creeped out because this someone was standing on the side of my bed which is flush against the window. I tried to scream, reach for my phone beside my bed, twist my toes, anything... but the only sound I managed to make was a thin screeching wail which was too sonic pitched to do any good.

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