Saturday, January 1

running out of time

It was a New Year's Eve of parallels, sort of.

We decided to go back in time to Over Time, arguably the best Japanese drama serial starring the swoon-worthy Takashi Sorimachi as a photographer living in a house with three women hurtling towards to age of 30. [OK, the plot sounds dem lame, but it has a good soundtrack and some very good lines. But I can't think of any now.]

The show kicked off with a New Year's Eve countdown. So very apt.

The housemates constantly had steamboat for dinner. So we had shabu shabu too while we watched.

They also played the Game of Life all the time, probably an obvious metaphor for, erm, life itself? So we dug out the boardgame and played too.

In the show, Tokyo Tower -- itself a copy of the Eiffel Tower -- cropped up all the time. So we posed for photos with a wine bottle which was happened to be shaped like the Eiffel Tower.

Even though we had to fast-forward and race through the 12 episodes, it was a good start to 2005. Happy New Year!

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