Friday, February 10

cold cases

Inspired by orangeclouds and her description of snow in Beijing, I'm wishing for snow right now. Not rain. Not sun. Just a blanket of freshly fallen snow.

I remember being in Shanghai on my birthday, a lifetime ago it seems, and telling someone who actually missed me back home, "I wish it would snow". And it did. Just a few flakes floating down and dissolving into cold pinpricks on my upturned face, but they were enough to make me believe that wishes do come true. I was young and innocent and in love then.

I also recall thinking when I was in London, "Well, wouldn't it be nice if it would snow on my birthday?" And it did. Typical slushy British snow, but snow nonetheless. I wasn't so easily suckered by flukes in the weather by then, being older and more cynical, but it was still rather magical.

Butofcos, it never snows here. Bah.

And anyway, my birthday is over. Double bah.

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