Tuesday, February 7

decisions, decisions, decisions

Have to come to a decision about:

-- what to tell my bosses about my job [Deadline: this week]
-- what to tell my parents about my decision about my job [Deadline: next week]
-- what iBook to buy and where to get it from for the cheapest price [Deadline: end of the month]
-- what dog to get and whether or not I have given it enough thought [Deadline: next week]
-- what location for a shop and whether The Heeren is a good place [Deadline: next week]
-- what to do next after deleting all text messages and whether to delete his mobile number as well [Deadline: next week]

My brain is working overtime running in circles.


orangeclouds said...

How exciting! Looks like 2006 is going to be quite a year for you. And by the way, the bags I bought from you have drawn much praise and interest. So... we must compare notes on our 小说 reading progress. Haha.

Manic Mummy said...

Delete phone number! Then again, you've probably memorised it already... :p

Zann said...

Delete on my phone alone is no use. He still has my numbers.

That day he called me on my home phone and said: "Hello auntie, can I speak to Suzanne please?"

No one has called me at home since 1998, too, tishbite.

And orangeclouds, I have given up on my Chinese book after 20 pages.

Manic Mummy said...

Wah, this man is nothing if not persistent, call up people's house. Sekali he become good friends with your mother...