Friday, June 20

Hola! Gracias! Tapas! Sangria! Aqua caliente! Hasta la vista, baby!

Just practising what little Spanish I remember for my two weeks in the sun starting tomorrow.

Keeping my fingers crossed that my usual travel calamities will not befall me. I am prone to tripping, slipping and falling, drinking bad water and eating dodgy food, being propositioned by old men, having my luggage lost in transit and being a beacon for pickpockets. Let's hope I will not add to that list on this trip.

Have been trying to achieve a bikini body for the past two weeks using pure mental powers. Needless to say, I failed, especially since I have been devouring all the perishable food in my freezer cos I don't want things to go bad while I'm gone.

Will be spending about five days in Barcelona and four days in this little beach resort called Tossa de Mar with Lilian, then I’m gonna head south to Sevilla for another three days on my own.

We have planned absolutely nothing else besides sitting on the beach reading Glamour and Elle, and shopping during the summer sale, which will hopefully start in time for just for us. To the Zara mothership, here we come!

Try not to miss me and my random ramblings too much. Adios amigos!

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