Monday, June 28

sissy shopping

Gave in to the GSS, which apparently does not only mean Great Singapore Sale, but also Go Shopping Suzanne.

But succumbing to temptation isn’t that bad when you are shopping with your sissy [which is what my sis and I call each other], because

-- you get double mileage [we wear the same size for clothes and shoes, though she is taller]
-- you can both squeeze into a fitting room to save time
-- you get an honest opinion if that blouse makes you look fattish [a word my sissy and I invented, which should by right be in the English dictionary because it is so apt]
-- you have someone to help carry those shopping bags
-- you can share a cab home when you are too tired to take the bus

food diary
egg tart
seafood soup
barley drink
steamed fish
spinach and fishball soup
two Beebee

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