Back from holiday. Back is burnt, too. But my bai kar seems to have benefited from the dip in sea water, no more scabs and no more swelling.
It was a marvellous break, especially since we lucked out and got upgraded to the duplex pool villa which we had been eyeing since the day we saw the hotel's website.
And did I mention that the hotel has its own private island? We had fishies swimming all around us while wading, and at low tide, we could walk among the corals. First time, for the both of us non-snorkeling suakus.

What did me and my lurve do those three days? Sleep, drink [alcoholic, of course] and eat five meals a day, all by the pool or the beach in our bikinis. Ahhh, bliss...
[There are more pix, but freaking Photobucket is annoying the heck outta me with its problems with uploading and resizing, so I'm giving up. You are spared a close-up shot of my fats spilling from my bikini bottom.]

too numerous and sinful to quantify, but suffice to say my liquid diet consisted of more frozen mango daiquiries than water
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