Tuesday, September 7

pause for a cause

Severe lapse in recording food diary and blog...

The entire weekend was spent camping out in Mousey's place, wearing my "uniform" of Natalie black full skirt, black top and adorable cat brooch, and entertaining guests at our house party.

Sales were pretty brisk on Saturday and we had such high hopes for Sunday too, but it was a wash out instead due to the grey weather.

But we made the most of it by setting up a tiramisu assembly line and a rousing game of mahjong. I won $6.50, in case anyone is interested.

food diary
siew mai
tea with milk
wanton noodles [half portion noodles]
barley drink
green apple Yakult
Chicken Noodle Soupy Snax [MSG craving]
preserved vegetable duck soup
prawn omelette
chng tng
chicken wing

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