Wednesday, May 24


I brought this photo and cajoled Timen my hairdresser -- a hair nazi who dictates when and how my next hairdo should be -- to please please please cut my hair like this please.

He was his usual reluctant self, because he adores my curls and had something planned for me already. But I insisted I wanted to look neat. And cute. And perhaps a little spastic. I like.

Only now do I realise it's the same hairstyle that Audrey Tautou had in Amelie, my all-time fave film. If only I could look as adorable.

Oh, the IT helpdesk guy commented today that my hair made me look like a Halamis.

"A what?"
"What's halamis?"
"Ha. La. Mis."
"You know, Cantonese, Hokkien, Teochew, Halamis..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lan chiau la. simi 'halamis'
bloody hell. i dont geddit.. :P