Thursday, May 11

three words

A new word I learnt: meme.

And two familiar old ones: gan xing.

Not sure why I'm in this weird funk. Actually I do, but I can't express it in words. So I shall do a meme instead.

I shall attempt to answer 20 questions with 20 photos. Later.

P.S. Can I invite OrangeClouds, Midori, Sissy, Geewee and Alfie to join me in my meme? And anyone else who are into such frivolous time-wasting pseudo-intellectual exercises in self-awareness?

P.P.S. This is much tougher than it appears. I've only managed to shoot one photo today. Watch this space...


Sandy said...

You know, me me is what we say to each other when I speak with HIM, it's our goodbye ritual....

Manic Mummy said...

i'm working on it. it's tough!